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Measuring the Impact of Geospatial Services
February 28, 2023
6:00 PM
6:15 PM
Geospatial services are making it easier than ever for businesses to streamline their workflows and provide better customer experiences. But understanding how to harness the full benefit of geospatial services requires an in-depth understanding of this rapidly-changing technology.

Google Maps Platform recently partnered with Oxford Economics to survey 1,000 business executives worldwide to learn what kind of impact geospatial services have had on their businesses.  

In this webinar, our research and product experts will walk through the key findings, share interesting insights, and explain how our new Impact Calculator can help you gauge how geospatial services can improve your company’s internal decision-making, optimize operations, and create better customer experiences. We’ll also cover: 
  • How executives are using geospatial data to increase customer loyalty and engagement
  • How geospatial services can help your company improve financial outcomes and optimize operations further down the supply chain
  • How using Google Maps Platform can help your business see more impact from your geospatial investments
Register today to reserve your seat!

Matthew Reynolds

Senior Research Manager

Oxford Economics

Madeline Ng

Head of Marketing

Google Maps Platform


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